Kingaroy, of course, is Australia's peanut capital. They grow various beans around the area too, but peanuts are what it's famous for.
Fittingly, there's a Big Peanut on the way into town, and you can buy 40 types of flavoured peanuts from the nearby Peanut Van.
The huge silos opposite the museum are full of peanuts of course.
Here's the museum, almost entirely about peanuts and their cultivation. They're pretty on-message here in Kingaroy.
And displayed prominently among all the other peanuts is ........ Jo Bjelke Petersen. If I was rude I'd draw conclusions from this. But local boy Sir Jo was of course Queensland's finest ever Premier. Must have been; they kept re-electing him, despite the ever-increasing corruption going on all around him.
This is the lookout on Mt Wooroolin. You get to see the town and its silos.
Plus the big Tarong coal fired power station, and a very large wind farm at Coopers Gap. Tarong is to be closed many years early, but wind's going from strength to strength.
On the subject of renewable energy, at Woolooga a bit later on, I passed an enormous solar farm too, which is set to be equipped with a very large battery soon.